Planning Department (Capital Projects)

Capital Projects:  Responsible for developing, securing funds, and following to completion all capital projects. This includes all engineer-related issues, maps, and as-builts, grant-writing, and project management.


UPDATE REGARDING FLOODING EMERGENCY: The City of Kotzebue would like to inform residents that damage assessments are currently being conducted following the recent flooding by the following organizations:

  • State of Alaska Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHS&EM)
  • Northwest Arctic Borough

Your feedback is essential in helping us understand the impact on our community.  We encourage all residents affected by the flooding to complete our survey at the following link: Please take a moment to document the damage to your property and provide any additional information that may assist us in assessing the situation. Your input is vital as we work together to recover from this event.Thank you for your cooperation and support!

Staff Contacts

Planning Director
442-5203 Ext. 203
City Planner
442-5210 Ext. 210